The Holiday Checklist - of Mental Health
Hello lovely readers!
Normally I post in the morning, but frankly the day got away from me and here I am writing into the night. In any case, I hope this finds you well, and snuggled cozy in your bed winding down for the night. But, if you're like me and often get a case of the "oh-my-gosh-I'm-wide-awake-and-can't-sleep" then let me help you unwind by creating a checklist to survive the upcoming holidays.
As has been discussed the holidays are either really great or really not, but we can always get through them. Here is my checklist for mental health that helps me survive the holidays.
1- Have I had water?
2- Have I had food?
3- Have I had sleep?
While it's tempting to ignore the water, skip a meal or two, or stay up late into the night partying I can assure you none of these are good options. Water, flushes out the toxins in your system. Food replenishes the energy you've used decorating and cleaning. Sleep renews our minds and allows us to reset and balance everything that runs through our tired minds.
4- Have I taken time for myself?
5- Have I taken time to clean my space at least a little bit?
6- Have I balanced my responsibilities?
Taking time for yourself ensures you have time to unwind and recharge your batteries from all the socializing that you'll do on a regular basis. Cleaning your space, even a little, can help keep your stress levels down. With everything there is to do to prepare for one holiday or the other having a clean space to unwind in at the end of the day. Lastly, balancing your responsibilities goes back to the time management we've discussed a few times over the past several months. However, this is where it is at its most critical. Time management will ensure that you still have time for yourself to prioritize the things that are most important.
Remember, as much as your family is important, you are most important. If you do not take care of yourself then how can you take care of your family? So take time this holiday season to look after yourself and you will have smooth sailing the whole way through.
Happy Holidays,
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