The Practice of Journaling

 The next practice I keep up with in my daily life is journaling. No, not like a diary. I often will journal when I feel like it, but I also use it to monitor my moods, track activities, etc. And believe it or not I actually have a few apps to recommend for you to try out.

1 - Daylio:Available for iPhone or Android

Good for tracking daily or hourly moods, activities, etc. You can even deep dive into which activities are correlating with which moods to better understand what makes you happy. I use this app almost daily to keep track of how I'm doing and it's helped me so much I'm passing it on to you without an affiliate link.

2- Youper: Available for iPhone or Android

 Youper - CBT Therapy Chatbot - Apps on Google Play

Youper is an artificial intelligence app for mental health. It provides check-ins, cognitive based therapy techniques and it even has guided meditations, soundscapes for sleep, and even has symptom tracking for borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder. This app does have a fee with it, but it's worth the money. I use it religiously when I'm depressed, or rapid cycling or even when I'm feeling good. It helps me when I can't get to my therapist or psychiatrist. I cannot speak highly of it enough. 

So when you think of journaling, I'm sure you're thinking of a diary, writing every day in your journal with fuzzy exterior and a lock that can be picked with a pen. But when I discuss journaling I mean active journaling, in the moment so you can really understand your emotions, how to process them, and what it takes for you to live a happy balanced life. I highly recommend using these apps to help track symptoms and use it to have open conversations with your healthcare providers. Find what works for you and run with it. 

Live free, be happy <3




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