The Practice of Decompression

 When I see the word decompress I think about a balloon slowly being allowed to deflate. Sometimes it feels like we have to have this persona to handle the outside world. As if we have to hold it all in while holding it together. It gets exhausting. This is why it's important to "deflate" your balloon. Take time for you and the things you love doing. 

When I'm decompressing, it looks like spending time at home doing things I like. Some of my hobbies include musical instruments, right now I'm relearning the guitar. I find the strings and the tone of my acoustic Fender soothing. They also include sewing, drawing, video games, and-I'm still unsure as to why but-cleaning. I think for me the practice of putting my space back together is soothing. I try to spend one or two hours at a minimum decompressing from work, errands, time out socializing, you name it. 

When I'm making my schedule, I usually leave decompression until the last minute of the day. That way I can unwind and relax before bed so I can sleep peacefully. Side effects of me not decompressing before bed include: restlessness, nightmares, waking up multiple times in the night for no reason, etc. Here are some things that might help you decompress.

  • Watching a movie
  • Taking a bubble bath
  • Playing a video game
  • Listening to music
  • Reading a book
  • Going for a walk or workout
  • Journaling

These are all things that are doable on a regular basis. So maybe you're on a tight schedule and you have a maximum of thirty minutes to unwind before having to get to bed. I'd recommend any of the following: 

  • Reading a book
  • Listening to calming music
  • Meditation
  • Watching a TV show (while fast-forwarding through all the commercials)
  • Listening to a podcast if you have to get ready for bed simultaneously

Got a lot on your mind and need to relax? I vote, journal and take a bubble bath. I find it to be a very soothing method of putting your mind to rest. It's crucially important to take time for your mental health, and you can even do this during the day as well. For instance, try taking a walk outside on your lunch break. The fresh air will clear the cobwebs, brighten your mood, and give you a fresh perspective during the rest of your day.

At the end of the day, it's all about protecting your mental health for the best day possible. As we all know, it's not always possible to have a great day. Sometimes your tire's flat, coffee's a decaf, and your shirt's on inside-out. But when you can have a minute to set your day straight by decompressing, it can go a whole lot better. Sometimes taking a step back and breathing is all we need to get back on track. Take time for you everyday, even if there's still a lot to do, you deserve the best. 




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